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May 18, 2014

Movie: Neighbors

So this weekend I had a girls night, with some friends. We went to the cinema, and we watched Neigbors. One thing for sure, I laughed my ass of. And you know, ZAC EFRON. 

So this movie is about this couple, Mac and Kelly. They have this little baby and they're settling in and starting a family life. But then frat brothers move into the house next door. Teddy (played by Zac Efron) is the president and Pete is his best friend. Mac and Kelly want to be all cool and hip but they have a baby and the baby needs sleep and that won't be happening if the neighbors party all night. So they decided to talk to them and just tell them to keep it down. They do that night after night, but they won't stop. Mac and Kelly promised Teddy to not call the cops, but they are so annoyed and tired that they do it. They think it's anonymous but the cop walks up to their house and tells Teddy that they called the police. So the chaos begins, because Teddy and his brothers want revenge.

I loved this movie because firsts it's hilarious. And second there is a cool story line behind it about being brothers.  I would recommend this movie because it's really funny and I think this is one of the not so many movies with Zac Efron a girl can watch with her boyfriend. So that's always good right?!

Stay cool!


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